Episode #3
Hide Away by Yanna Pelser, Ralph de Rijke & Sanne Huijbregts as the 3rd episode of A Song A Day.
So excited to present the third song from this series of collaborations that is A Song A Day! This one is with two free spirited and therefor very inspiring musicians Yanna Pelser and Ralph de Rijke. Together we created this dense and uplifting song called Hide Away (in 1 day), that hopefully gives you a moments rest within this ever spinning world. Our lyrics wink at 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow', since that song evokes such a magical promise of a better place, and the whistle-ending represents the pot of gold one might find there.
We hope to inspire you to always go searching for the end of that rainbow if you are in need of some alone-time, cause who knows what you will discover there.
The Song
The Day